Option 1: Come to Barn3
What we’re looking for from you:
We’re looking for pedalboards with 2 or more pedals that can get OXed.
You’ll bring your pedalboard to the Barn3 workshop in Palmerton, PA and we’ll shoot a video of us working together to set up your pedalboard with OXUs.
Have your schedule open on the day of the shoot to potentially be here most of the day. Video shoots always seem to take longer than expected. Although we’ll most likely be able to get it done within a couple of hours, you should keep your schedule open in case things take longer.
Be open to being interviewed. We want to hear about how you use your pedals. Are you currently playing with a band? What type of music do you usually play?
What you get from us:
You get to be the star of a Barn3 build video!
We’ll give you up to 2 OXUs for free. We’ll also include mounting plates if you want them and any custom cables that would best suit your setup. If you have more pedals that you want OXed, we’ll give you a great discount on any other pedals.
You’ll get that same discount from us for life.
We’ll share info, links and video clips for your band or personal project in the video.

Option 2: Send us Your Pedal
What we’re looking for from you:
Check the list of pedals we’re looking to test and if you have one, be willing to send us your pedal.
Be open to us having your pedal for about a week (plus shipping time) so we can test the pedal with our OXUs and potentially shoot some tutorial content for it.
We’ll do our best to send your pedal back to you with the same presets, programming, etc. that you sent it to us with. But by the nature of doing tests, we might have to change some stuff. If possible, make backups of your presets and settings.
What you get from us:
We’ll pay for shipping both ways
When we’re done with your pedal we’ll send it back to you with a free OXU as well as a mounting plate and any custom length cable that might fit your pedal best. We’ll recommend what OXU would work best with your pedal, but you can request whichever model you’d like. We’ll even install the OXU with a plate onto your pedal for you if you’d like us to.
We’ll shout you out in any video content we make with your pedal and we’ll share a link to your band or personal project that you're working on.
*Valid only in the lower 48 United States
Kemper - Profiler Player
Fractal - FM3
Line 6 - HX One
Line 6 - Pod Express (Guitar or Bass)
Pedals We Want to Test
IK Multimedia - TONEX
Hotone - Ampero Mini
Hotone - Ampero II Stomp
Pedal Test Suggestions
If you have any ideas for pedals we should test please submit below.